17 Aug 2010

One more thing from ginger

醤油と生姜、醤油とみりんとだしと生姜。That's Japanese taste!

Ginger is a commonplace spice in Japanese cuisine. I’d be willing to bet that you’ll find at least one film-wrapped knob of ginger knocking around in most people’s refrigerators. Soy sauce and ginger or soy sauce, mirin, soup stock and ginger: these are quintessential Japanese flavors. In this season, finely grated ginger is the must-have accompaniment for somen noodles and chilled tofu. Right now, it’s in season so you can buy it cheaply and in bulk, though I’ve been known to buy too much and then forget about it, only to find moldy knobs of ginger in the back of my fridge! So to stop this from happening I chop up all my leftover ginger and simmer it in a mixture of sugar and water, and make syrup. You simply chop the ginger, add the same volume of sugar and 1.5 times the volume of water and simmer for 30 minutes. The resultant syrup not only makes a delicious drink, but can be used to enhance Japanese, Western or Chinese style dishes, and the compote that’s leftover from making the syrup can transformed into cakes or ‘tsukudani’ (small seafood or meat that has been simmered in soy sauce and mirin).
Adding herbs to the syrup gives it a pleasing aroma and will produce a deliciously sumptuous ginger ale, so please give it a go.


生姜 300g
砂糖 300g
水  450cc
赤唐辛子 2本
好みのスパイス(入れなくてもOK)適宜 (クローブ、月桂樹、レモングラス、胡椒、シナモンなどがよく合う。いずれも粉末のものはよけいな味が出るので使わないこと)




Ginger Syrup
(Makes a little over 300ml)
300g (10 1/2 oz) ginger
300g (10 1/2 oz) sugar
450ml water
2 dried capsicums
Herbs / spices of your choice, to taste (though you don’t need to add anything) (my recommendations: cloves, bay leaves, lemon grass, pepper corns, cinnamon, etc. will all work well, though use fresh herbs and spices, because the powdered ones don’t produce a good flavor)

1. Wash the ginger, cut into knobs and remove any conspicuous dirt or damaged sections. Chop finely. You can either slice the ginger finely, julienne it, or grate it: the finer you slice it, the spicier the syrup will become. Remove the seeds from the capsicums and cut in half. Mash any other herbs and spices you plan to add and place them, with the capsicum, in a teabag or a piece of gauze.
2. Place the sugar, water and ginger into a saucepan, bring to a gentle boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the other spices and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
3. Sieve the syrup and pour into a heat-sterilized jar or bottle for storage. The syrup will keep for around 2 months in the refrigerator. Remove the teabag containing the spices and discard. The leftover ginger makes a delicious addition to pound cakes and other confectionery, so store it in the refrigerator for a later date.
* Note: Overheating the spices causes the flavors to disperse, but the aromas won’t transfer to the syrup unless you add heat, which is why you only add them for the last 10 minutes of the cooking time.


Dilute with 4-5 times the volume of soda water and add a splash of lemon juice for a ginger ale that will keep the summer blues at bay. Add vodka to this mix for a Moscow Mule, or gin for a Gin Buck – it’s also a good mixer for shochu – a distilled liquor that’s native to Japan. Add a splash of ginger syrup to beer for ginger beer, or add to leftover wine and heat gently for a another refreshing alcoholic beverage! You can also serve it straight over shaved ice: it’s delicious!
This syrup also works as an interesting substitute for mirin in various dishes, including sautéed pork with ginger (shogayaki), teriyaki sauce, sweet vinegar dressings (sanbaizu), sesame seed dressings and miso dressings, or to add a tang to salad dressings and Chinese stir-fried dishes. It has just the right ginger zest and is very versatile.
If you’ve added other spices beware because the flavors will intensify over time, so if you’re planning on using the syrup as a flavoring ingredient then I advise you to stick with just ginger and sugar.


Making it with new ginger will give the syrup of gentler aroma, while regular ginger produces a syrup with a spicier taste profile. If you add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice to new ginger syrup it turns an adorable pink. 

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